New 2015 Theme for Row by Row is “WATER”

Row by RoRow by Row H20!

That is right it is water! Shops across all 50 states of the USA and Canada will be creating water themed rows for 2015! It might be the ocean, or a lake, a snowflake,  a stream or rain or any other number of water rows! I have designed the new fabric for 2015 and here is a sneak peak of that….


All new FabricPlates™ for all 50 states and Canada! And….we have a Pin Cushion Pattern of our Row by Row mascot “Robin the Bobbin”

Make your own Robin the Bobbin and bring him on your Row by Row travels and snap selfies with your Robin all over the USA! Participating shops will make their own Robin the Bobbin – all decked out and you can snap pix of your Bobbin with their shop Bobbin! Move over Flat Stanley and Gnome selfies – we quilters are going to do selfies with Robin the Bobbin! Take a look below! It is a SUPER SIMPLE 3 PIECE PATTERN pattern available from your favorite participating quilt shops! I would like to introduce you to “Robin the Bobbin” and “Bubba Bobbin” and “Prima Bobbin”!They are decked out Bobbin’s with 18″ doll clothes! How can you create a unique Bobbin?????

Robin the Bobbin Pattern

Robin the Bobbin Pattern

Bobbin Cover 1 up



11 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Betsey Drumm
    Oct 26, 2014 @ 21:57:50

    I had a great time with the Row by Row Experience 2014. I visited 100 stores in 17 states. However I would like to make two suggestions to make the Experience better for the future. I am now putting my rows together. What a mess. The directions are written poorly, if I was a beginner quilter I would be completely lost. The row sizes are all over the place. Please, please ask the stores to write clear, concise directions. Please, please, please make the Rows the correct size.
    Sincerely Betsey the Nomadic Quilter


    • Zebra Patterns by Debra Gabel
      Oct 30, 2014 @ 04:39:00

      Claire & Betsy – I hear you! In fact after Betsy’s comment I copied it and forwarded it to Janet Lutz – owner and founder of the Row by Row Experience. We have and we will continue to be emphasizing that shops should have their patterns tested by local quilters prior to release. We have also stressed the importance of having the rows designed by designers. I am sure you saw patterns that were outstanding and patterns that were not. The difficult thing is that Janet as owner of Rxr and me as Creative director of Rxr – can do all the suggesting we want and each shop is going to create their own “Experience”. That is the beauty and the rough part of Rxr. We thank you very much for your comments. If you have not done so already – it would be great if you told those shops their directions were unclear. If you feel uncomfortable addressing shop directly – you could send me a private message at we can do so on your behalf – anonymously. We are hoping that next summer the level of design and pattern accuracy will improve greatly. Not that it is an excuse – but last summer was the first time many of these shops ever designed and wrote a pattern! This year we hope everyone will be more familiar with the flow of the program and have the confidence in the program to invest in a good design and directions.


  2. Claire
    Oct 30, 2014 @ 01:26:31

    Totally agree with Betsey. I consider myself an experienced quilter and had a hard time with some of the directions…example add 2 rectangles to the triangle? WHAAT?? What size rectangles? And where is it written that there was a triangle?
    All in all, though a positive, fun experience and I won the shops’ prize for having the first finished quilt! Looking forward to next year…..


  3. Richard
    Nov 04, 2014 @ 19:39:52

    I don’t agree with the previous posts. I enjoyed receiving all of the FREE patterns, and even though some were not as great as others all in all I feel I got a great deal for my money, since it didn’t cost me anything as they were all FREE!


  4. Anna
    Nov 10, 2014 @ 11:49:10

    I feel experienced quilters should be able to look at patterns with creative license. There seems to always someone who has to complain.


  5. Donna Miller
    May 25, 2015 @ 17:33:28

    The bottom line is “Let’s all have fun” so, if the pattern isn’t perfect, use your “artistic interpretation on the pattern” and give credit to the organizers and stores for all their efforts. I have not done the Row by Row before, so I am planning my road trips to new stores I have never been to. Thanks for the adventure.


  6. Kim
    Jun 21, 2015 @ 21:02:43

    I am confused about what fabric is allowed in the row by row quilt. Could we use any fabric that is water themed or must we use the designed 2015 row by row fabric, which is adorable by the way.


    • Zebra Patterns by Debra Gabel
      Jun 22, 2015 @ 02:01:45

      There are NO RULES ABOUT FABRICS YOU MAY USE. The row by row quilt needs to be made from at least 8 free pattern rows from 8 different shops. You may use their kitted fabric or your own. The official Souvenir fabric is produced by Timeless Treasures – designed by me – Debra Gabel. Some quilters like to use that fabric for borders or bindings or backing – however you can use any fabrics – no rules on that at all. We have other fabric companies that have made water collections up for quilt shops to purchase if they chose. They are water themed – but the fabric from Timeless is the official fabric line. Again – no extra purchases are required to play and get free patterns!
      The main purpose of Row by Row is for all of the quilters/quilt shops and quilt affiliated businesses to all come together for the summer to support the brick and mortar shops so they stay in business. It is hard for them now with all the shows and online stores. The fabric provided is for fun and an optional treat. The same goes for the FabricPlates™, pins and T shirts – all fun themed extras – ALL OPTIONAL.


      • Kim
        Jun 22, 2015 @ 13:25:28

        Awesome news! Thank you so much. It’s the cutest fabric! I’ll be using it for sure!

  7. Melany
    Aug 14, 2015 @ 20:40:48

    I heard about the RxR in 2014 and had a wonderful time collecting rows and plates. Have done the same this year. Here’s my suggestion/comment/frustration. I would really prefer to collect the license plate pins–they are smaller and take up less room. Not sure how many RxR quilts one person needs. Problem is, I haven’t found any of the pins in Texas. I’d love to see a list of the participating shops that actually have the pins. I know a lot didn’t order them because they never know if they are going to sale, but I hate asking every shop: Do you have a kit, how much is it, do you have a license plate, how much is it, do you have a pin, etc.
    I was super excited when I saw the advertisement for the Ackfeld Row by Row Hanger on the Pennsylvania fb page. The problem is there was no phone number or any way to contact them. There was no way to contact a RxR person on the official page. I have no idea how I found this page or if it’s even the right one to comment about this stuff. Someone did send me a page with a phone number for Ackfeld but they don’t answer the phone. And I did look on Ackfeld’s web page but no Row by Row Hangers. So, here I am ready to purchase and I’ve already spent entirely too much time trying to track it down. Maybe these types of accessories could be made more easily available.
    Still love the Row by Row and will continue to participate. Great job!


    • Zebra Patterns by Debra Gabel
      Aug 15, 2015 @ 14:16:20

      Glad you are having so much fun. Everyone prefers different things. Some like pins and some like the fabric plates. The pins are new this year. We are predicting many more pins will be sold next year. The pins are produced by Pin Peddler. I have a Pin Collectors Panel. It is very cute and designed specifically for the Plate pins. Go to my website to see them.
      As far as Akfeld: Toll Free: 888.272.3135 email:
      As Far as Row by Row: (Be patient for response. There are 2,655 shop participating) or you can call Calico Gals in NY.
      We work ver hard to improve the RxRE™ every year. We appreciate your feedback.


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